Saturday, August 27, 2011


Shavuah Tov Chevre, and a Rosh Kodesh Sameach Elul, on this coming Tuesday and Wednesday.
Being that it is almost Elul, may Ellen and I wish all "L'Shanah Tovah Techatemu VeTikatevu" (לְשָׁנָה טוֹבָה תֵּחָתֵמוּ וְתִכָּתֵבוּ) ... "May You Be Inscribed and Sealed in the Book of Life for a Good Year".
''There are four Rosh Ha Shanahs ...  The 1st of Elul is the New Year for the tithing of cattle. '' [Talmud Bavli Tractate  Rosh Ha Shanah 2a]
Just as a shepherd takes inventory of his flock in Elul, so do we take inventory of ourselves in Elul in preparation for the Holy Days of Tishrei. For us this inventory is called a Chesbon ha Nefesh, an accounting of our soul.
Did you or your congregants ever discuss why after Tashlich, when we toss our chetim symbolically into moving water, using crumbs from our pockets, we find our defects of character landing right back into our pockets and showing up in our behaviors?
Or have you asked after Selicoth or Yom Kippur services how folks read from a list of communal ''sins'', but still have resentments, fears, dishonesty, and selfishness. And worse, do not know how to get rid of them?
Let this Elul be a transforming one for you and your congregants, so that the High Holy days are filled with kavenah and real mussar and Spiritual Renewal.
Please consider using this internationally best selling text for a step- by- step way of bringing about true change: THE HANDBOOK TO JEWISH SPIRITUAL RENEWAL: A PATH OF TRANSFORMATION FOR THE MODERN JEW
''In The Handbook to Jewish Spiritual Renewal: A Path of Transformation for the Modern Jew, Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal distills millennia of sage advice into a step-by-step process to recapture your Judaism and your spirituality in a concise easy-to-read and easy to follow manner.

...If you find yourself wishing to develop a personal relationship with the loving, forgiving God of Judaism Who will give you the strength to sustain you through the ups and downs of life...

...If you want to learn how to live life to its fullest without angst, worry,
low self-esteem or fear of failure...

...If you wish that your relationships with family, friends and co-workers were based on love and service and free of ego, arguments, resentments and feelings of being unloved...

...Or if you simply want to know more about Judaism's philosophy of living...

...This book is written for you.''
available in Kindle
Page Count: 254
Shalom uvracha v' ahavah: Arthur
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Hilton Head Island, SC
Bluffton, SC
Savannah, GA

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Anna Hazare Game Launched, click below to play

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

RABBI ARTHUR SEGAL: BLUFFTON, SC SUN: AUGUST 2011:Love good, justice + pursue it

From: Bluffton Sun, August 1, 2011
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
Shalom and Peace:


Today we continue with a bit more of Jewish Ethics (Derek Eretz) from the Talmud.

 '' Let all thy ways be for the sake of Heaven. Love Heaven, and fear it. Tremble at, and at the same time rejoice over all commandments. Sit before the elders, and let thy ears be attentive to their words.'' (2:1)

Let us start by taking these words translated from Aramaic, into an easily read statement. I invite you to try this: ''Live a life that is good and just. Love what is good and just and pursue it. Love and be in awe of ethical teachings. Study our 2500 + years of rabbinic ethical teachings and follow them.''

When we parse this we see that we are being taught to negate the will of our ego and to do always listen to that ''still small voice'' telling us to do what is right and just.

We are to love and appreciate goodness and justice, and understand that by living a life like this, we become spiritually attached to the Divine. When we do "God's will,'' we are much less apt to step on the toes of others. When we do not toe step, we then become less apt to come into conflict with others.

Some people are enemy centered. If they are not fighting with someone or some organization, they are not happy. Derek Eretz teaches us to let gossip, even slander, not to stick to us. We lose that skin of Velcro and develop one of Teflon. We do not respond. These spiritually ill folk will find someone else soon enough to attempt to molest.

As I was taught long ago on this spiritual rabbinic path: ''Moses and even God couldn't please everyone, and neither will you.'' And the Yiddish expression of "If God lived on earth, people would throw rocks through His window," implies the same.

So we are to pursue what is good and just. While there is a part of Judaism that teaches we must seek out injustice and help correct it, with Derek Eretz, concerned about our relations with others, we are being taught to root out our OWN character defects that lead us away from being good, just and full of ahavath chesed (loving kindness). We do this with a process of Jewish Spiritual Renewal, teshuvah, by starting with an inventory of our soul, called a Chesbon ha Nefesh.

We take stock of our lives and realize that how society is showing us how to behave, (e.g.: Two and a Half Men, Housewives of Various Cities, and "Entertainment News''), is not what works well for us. Hence we learn to appreciate the sage advice that is universal and timeless. By studying a tractate of Talmud such as Derek Eretz, literally ''walking the land,'' but meaning how we get along with others, we are doing such and our lives become spiritually richer, connected, and full of joy and freedom.

Rabbi Arthur Segal is an international lecturer, author, and teacher. Visit him at   Follow him on FaceBook at 'Arthur L Segal', on Twitter at RabbiASegal, or his blog at .  Email at

Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
If visiting SC's Low Country, contact us for a Shabbat meal, in our home by the sea, our beth yam.
Maker of Shalom (Oseh Shalom) help make us deserving of Shalom beyond all human comprehension!


From: Bluffton Sun, August 1, 2011
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
Shalom and Peace:


Today we continue with a bit more of Jewish Ethics (Derek Eretz) from the Talmud.

 '' Let all thy ways be for the sake of Heaven. Love Heaven, and fear it. Tremble at, and at the same time rejoice over all commandments. Sit before the elders, and let thy ears be attentive to their words.'' (2:1)

Let us start by taking these words translated from Aramaic, into an easily read statement. I invite you to try this: ''Live a life that is good and just. Love what is good and just and pursue it. Love and be in awe of ethical teachings. Study our 2500 + years of rabbinic ethical teachings and follow them.''

When we parse this we see that we are being taught to negate the will of our ego and to do always listen to that ''still small voice'' telling us to do what is right and just.

We are to love and appreciate goodness and justice, and understand that by living a life like this, we become spiritually attached to the Divine. When we do "God's will,'' we are much less apt to step on the toes of others. When we do not toe step, we then become less apt to come into conflict with others.

Some people are enemy centered. If they are not fighting with someone or some organization, they are not happy. Derek Eretz teaches us to let gossip, even slander, not to stick to us. We lose that skin of Velcro and develop one of Teflon. We do not respond. These spiritually ill folk will find someone else soon enough to attempt to molest.

As I was taught long ago on this spiritual rabbinic path: ''Moses and even God couldn't please everyone, and neither will you.'' And the Yiddish expression of "If God lived on earth, people would throw rocks through His window," implies the same.

So we are to pursue what is good and just. While there is a part of Judaism that teaches we must seek out injustice and help correct it, with Derek Eretz, concerned about our relations with others, we are being taught to root out our OWN character defects that lead us away from being good, just and full of ahavath chesed (loving kindness). We do this with a process of Jewish Spiritual Renewal, teshuvah, by starting with an inventory of our soul, called a Chesbon ha Nefesh.

We take stock of our lives and realize that how society is showing us how to behave, (e.g.: Two and a Half Men, Housewives of Various Cities, and "Entertainment News''), is not what works well for us. Hence we learn to appreciate the sage advice that is universal and timeless. By studying a tractate of Talmud such as Derek Eretz, literally ''walking the land,'' but meaning how we get along with others, we are doing such and our lives become spiritually richer, connected, and full of joy and freedom.

Rabbi Arthur Segal is an international lecturer, author, and teacher. Visit him at   Follow him on FaceBook at 'Arthur L Segal', on Twitter at RabbiASegal, or his blog at .  Email at

Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
If visiting SC's Low Country, contact us for a Shabbat meal, in our home by the sea, our beth yam.
Maker of Shalom (Oseh Shalom) help make us deserving of Shalom beyond all human comprehension!


From: Bluffton Sun, August 1, 2011
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
Shalom and Peace:


Today we continue with a bit more of Jewish Ethics (Derek Eretz) from the Talmud.

 '' Let all thy ways be for the sake of Heaven. Love Heaven, and fear it. Tremble at, and at the same time rejoice over all commandments. Sit before the elders, and let thy ears be attentive to their words.'' (2:1)

Let us start by taking these words translated from Aramaic, into an easily read statement. I invite you to try this: ''Live a life that is good and just. Love what is good and just and pursue it. Love and be in awe of ethical teachings. Study our 2500 + years of rabbinic ethical teachings and follow them.''

When we parse this we see that we are being taught to negate the will of our ego and to do always listen to that ''still small voice'' telling us to do what is right and just.

We are to love and appreciate goodness and justice, and understand that by living a life like this, we become spiritually attached to the Divine. When we do "God's will,'' we are much less apt to step on the toes of others. When we do not toe step, we then become less apt to come into conflict with others.

Some people are enemy centered. If they are not fighting with someone or some organization, they are not happy. Derek Eretz teaches us to let gossip, even slander, not to stick to us. We lose that skin of Velcro and develop one of Teflon. We do not respond. These spiritually ill folk will find someone else soon enough to attempt to molest.

As I was taught long ago on this spiritual rabbinic path: ''Moses and even God couldn't please everyone, and neither will you.'' And the Yiddish expression of "If God lived on earth, people would throw rocks through His window," implies the same.

So we are to pursue what is good and just. While there is a part of Judaism that teaches we must seek out injustice and help correct it, with Derek Eretz, concerned about our relations with others, we are being taught to root out our OWN character defects that lead us away from being good, just and full of ahavath chesed (loving kindness). We do this with a process of Jewish Spiritual Renewal, teshuvah, by starting with an inventory of our soul, called a Chesbon ha Nefesh.

We take stock of our lives and realize that how society is showing us how to behave, (e.g.: Two and a Half Men, Housewives of Various Cities, and "Entertainment News''), is not what works well for us. Hence we learn to appreciate the sage advice that is universal and timeless. By studying a tractate of Talmud such as Derek Eretz, literally ''walking the land,'' but meaning how we get along with others, we are doing such and our lives become spiritually richer, connected, and full of joy and freedom.

Rabbi Arthur Segal is an international lecturer, author, and teacher. Visit him at   Follow him on FaceBook at 'Arthur L Segal', on Twitter at RabbiASegal, or his blog at .  Email at

Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
If visiting SC's Low Country, contact us for a Shabbat meal, in our home by the sea, our beth yam.
Maker of Shalom (Oseh Shalom) help make us deserving of Shalom beyond all human comprehension!


From: Bluffton Sun, August 1, 2011
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
Shalom and Peace:


Today we continue with a bit more of Jewish Ethics (Derek Eretz) from the Talmud.

 '' Let all thy ways be for the sake of Heaven. Love Heaven, and fear it. Tremble at, and at the same time rejoice over all commandments. Sit before the elders, and let thy ears be attentive to their words.'' (2:1)

Let us start by taking these words translated from Aramaic, into an easily read statement. I invite you to try this: ''Live a life that is good and just. Love what is good and just and pursue it. Love and be in awe of ethical teachings. Study our 2500 + years of rabbinic ethical teachings and follow them.''

When we parse this we see that we are being taught to negate the will of our ego and to do always listen to that ''still small voice'' telling us to do what is right and just.

We are to love and appreciate goodness and justice, and understand that by living a life like this, we become spiritually attached to the Divine. When we do "God's will,'' we are much less apt to step on the toes of others. When we do not toe step, we then become less apt to come into conflict with others.

Some people are enemy centered. If they are not fighting with someone or some organization, they are not happy. Derek Eretz teaches us to let gossip, even slander, not to stick to us. We lose that skin of Velcro and develop one of Teflon. We do not respond. These spiritually ill folk will find someone else soon enough to attempt to molest.

As I was taught long ago on this spiritual rabbinic path: ''Moses and even God couldn't please everyone, and neither will you.'' And the Yiddish expression of "If God lived on earth, people would throw rocks through His window," implies the same.

So we are to pursue what is good and just. While there is a part of Judaism that teaches we must seek out injustice and help correct it, with Derek Eretz, concerned about our relations with others, we are being taught to root out our OWN character defects that lead us away from being good, just and full of ahavath chesed (loving kindness). We do this with a process of Jewish Spiritual Renewal, teshuvah, by starting with an inventory of our soul, called a Chesbon ha Nefesh.

We take stock of our lives and realize that how society is showing us how to behave, (e.g.: Two and a Half Men, Housewives of Various Cities, and "Entertainment News''), is not what works well for us. Hence we learn to appreciate the sage advice that is universal and timeless. By studying a tractate of Talmud such as Derek Eretz, literally ''walking the land,'' but meaning how we get along with others, we are doing such and our lives become spiritually richer, connected, and full of joy and freedom.

Rabbi Arthur Segal is an international lecturer, author, and teacher. Visit him at   Follow him on FaceBook at 'Arthur L Segal', on Twitter at RabbiASegal, or his blog at .  Email at

Rabbi Arthur Segal
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Jewish Spirituality
Eco Judaism
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
If visiting SC's Low Country, contact us for a Shabbat meal, in our home by the sea, our beth yam.
Maker of Shalom (Oseh Shalom) help make us deserving of Shalom beyond all human comprehension!